Draft DCP Chapter 12.11 South Kiama urban releases
The South Kiama site includes 40ha of rural land west of the Princes Highway between Saddleback Mountain Road to south of Weir Street South Kiama. The site was rezoned by the NSW Government in 2022 to allow for approximately 450 dwellings.
The Draft DCP Chapter 12.11 is a proposed amendment to the Kiama DCP that provides the overarching planning objectives and development controls for the South Kiama Urban Release Area.
Council has prepared new chapter of the Kiama Development Control Plan (DCP Chapter 12.11), with objectives and controls to guide the scale and operation of developments at South Kiama:
It includes the following controls:
- Site overview, character, vision and principles
- Connectivity
- Lot density, type and layout
- Public open space and tree canopy
- Views and vistas
- Heritage
- Water management
- Noise and vibration
- Utility infrastructure
- Bushfire, Geotechnical, Contamination
- Built form (setbacks, site coverage, building height etc)
- Private open space, landscaping and tree canopy
- Retaining walls, batters and culverts
- Environmentally sustainable design.