Kiama Municipal Council (Kiama Council or Council) takes any concerns or problems you may have with this website seriously, and will act to rectify any issues as quickly as possible.

When you visit our website to read or download material, the following information is recorded for statistical purposes, which allows us to continually improve the website:

  • your server address
  • domain name from which you access the internet (e.g ,.gov, .com, .edu, .org, .au, .nz etc)
  • browser type used
  • date and time you access our site
  • pages accessed and documents downloaded
  • previous internet address you visited
  • internet address you visit directly after our site.

We will not attempt to identify you or your browsing activities from these records, except in the unlikely event of an investigation by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), or where a law enforcement agency exercises a warrant to inspect an ISP's logs.

User feedback

Providing feedback on our website is voluntary and used to improve our online service.

Your feedback will not affect your access to our website.

Email subscription

If you register for Council's email newsletters or subscription alerts, the information you provide will be used only for the indicated purpose.

Images, film and voice recording

If you attend a Kiama Council event, including a Council Meeting, at which we’ve said we’ll be filming, recording and/or taking photos, we reserve the right to use those images, film and recordings in future Kiama Council publications.

All images used on our site are copyright or owned by Kiama Council.

To apply to use, or for the removal of any images, film footage or recordings, please contact Kiama Council with your request and we will act to rectify any issues as quickly as possible.

Contacting us

Your email address will only be recorded if you choose to send us a message.

It will be used for the purpose for which you have provided it, and will not be added to a mailing list or disclosed without your consent.

Links to other sites

This privacy statement covers Kiama Municipal Council's websites, including Council's Your Say website, only and not websites that may be linked from our site that are not owned by Council.

Related information

Social Pinpoint Privacy

For details of how Social Pinpoint may access personal information, please refer to Social Pinpoint’s Privacy Policy.