Local Strategic Planning Strategy

Key reasons for establishing the LSPS

  • A 20 year vision for land use in our local area

  • The special characteristics that contribute to local identity

  • Shared community values to be maintained and enhanced

  • How growth and change will be managed into the future

The Kiama LSPS sits at the top of Council's planning documents and contains:

  • background information about the LSPS and Municipality
  • 20-Year Vision for the municipality
  • Planning Priorities for the next 20 years, and
  • specific actions for achieving our Planning Priorities.

The Kiama LSPS contains actions to conduct comprehensive reviews of the:

The Kiama LSPS needs to be consistent with Council's Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and the Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan.

Engaging with the community and stakeholders has been vital in the development of the Kiama LSPS.

How we got here

Development of the LSPS included 3 phases of community engagement: