Planning Proposal PP-2024-2097 - Urban Release Area Clause
The Planning Proposal seeks to introduce an additional clause into the Kiama LEP 2011 to allow the creation of residue lots within Urban Release areas for land zoned RU2 Rural Landscape, C2 Environmental Conservation and C3 Environmental Management to enable the subdivision of lots that are less than the otherwise required minimum lot size in order to facilitate the residential development.
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Council has received a Gateway Determination to proceed with the exhibition of Planning Proposal PP-2024-2097.
A Planning Proposal (PP) is the process to amend the zoning or development standards in a Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP).
This Planning Proposal seeks to introduce an additional clause into the Kiama LEP 2011 to allow the creation of residue lots within Urban Release areas for land zoned RU2 Rural Landscape, C2 Environmental Conservation and C3 Environmental Management to enable the subdivision of lots that are less than the otherwise required minimum lot size in order to facilitate the residential development.
Kiama Council is the plan making authority for this Planning Proposal.
The Planning Proposal has been updated based on the Gateway Conditions. The Rural Fire Service (RFS) have raised no objections to the proposal.
In accordance with the Council Resolution and Gateway Determination the Planning Proposal is now on public exhibition for 28 days, between 28 January and 2 March 2025.